Energy Internet and eVehicles Overview

Governments around the world are wrestling with the challenge of how to prepare society for inevitable climate change. To date most people have been focused on how to reduce Green House Gas emissions, but now there is growing recognition that regardless of what we do to mitigate against climate change the planet is going to be significantly warmer in the coming years with all the attendant problems of more frequent droughts, flooding, sever storms, etc. As such we need to invest in solutions that provide a more robust and resilient infrastructure to withstand this environmental onslaught especially for our electrical and telecommunications systems and at the same time reduce our carbon footprint.

Linking renewable energy with high speed Internet using fiber to the home combined with autonomous eVehicles and dynamic charging where vehicle's batteries are charged as it travels along the road, may provide for a whole new "energy Internet" infrastructure for linking small distributed renewable energy sources to users that is far more robust and resilient to survive climate change than today's centralized command and control infrastructure. These new energy architectures will also significantly reduce our carbon footprint. For more details please see:

Using autonomous eVehicles for Renewable Energy Transportation and Distribution: and

Free High Speed Internet to the Home or School Integrated with solar roof top:

High level architecture of Internet Networks to survive Climate Change:

Architecture and routing protocols for Energy Internet:

How to use Green Bond Funds to underwrite costs of new network and energy infrastructure:

Monday, January 9, 2012

How to make the Internet DNS green

[The Dutch Internet registry SIDN has launched a unique program in partnership with CleanBits to identify what proportion of .nl domain names were hosted on a green or CO2-neutral basis.
The results show a strong trend towards the ‘greening’ of the .nl internet zone. Nearly 30 per cent of .nl names were found to have green hosts. That is more than twice the percentage identified in a 2009 survey, which revealed that 11% of the .nl zone was green-hosted. To be counted as green, a host had to use only green energy, or offset its CO2 emissions.

The Domain Name Systems is probably one of the most critical components of the global Internet, and yet one that could easily be made truly green by moving DNS servers to follow the wind/follow the sun architectures such as Greenstar. Because DNS relies extensively on local caching, as well as primary and secondary servers, it is an Internet application that could be easily adapted to this type of architecture. A typical DNS zone may process millions of DNS queries per hour representing, in aggregate, thousands of kilowatt hours and potential CO2 emissions.

The recent work undertaken by the Greenstar project could easily quantify these CO2 emissions and possibly someday make them eligible for cash offsets in the various voluntary markets .—BSA]
For more information please see:

SIDN and Cleanbits

Greenstar Follow the Wind/Follow the Sun
R&E Network and Green Internet Consultant
twitter: BillStArnaud
skype: Pocketpro