[For those who read my blog know that I keep harping about the fact that the pursuit of energy efficiency in its own right as a “green” strategy is an intellectual dead end.
A good example is electric vehicles. Yes an electric vehicle is more energy efficient than a gasoline powered equivalent vehicle.
If there was only going be a one-for-one replacement of all gasoline powered vehicles with electric equivalent then the world would truly be a better place. But we know billions of people in the developing world want automobiles. Most likely these will be have to be electric vehicles as there will not be enough gasoline in the world to power millions of additional automobiles. If these vehicles are powered by coal fired electric plants then all the energy efficiency
in the world is not going to save us.
Already in China the electric bicycle is major source of CO2 emissions because of all the coal fired electricity these devices consume. Rather than focusing on the energy efficiency of the electric vehicle we need a different approach and find solutions on how to insure that electric vehicles are only powered by renewable energy. Once we find solutions to power these vehicles only with renewable energy – energy efficiency will take care of itself.
For more details on clean energy solutions for electric vehicles please see
http://goo.gl/pindX .
I am pleased to see that others are starting to think along these lines with respect to LED lighting – where once again it is not the efficiency of the lighting that is important – but the fact that we can power LED lighting with micro windmills and solar panels rather than using energy from the dirty utility. Note that LEDs themselves are nothing special. We could do this with traditional incandescent lighting – we would just need bigger windmills and/or solar panels. The key point is first and foremost we need to think of solutions that eliminate GHG emissions, and then secondly, if at all, energy consumption. LEDs make the clean energy solution more cost effective in terms of being able to use micro wind mills and solar panels.
We all know of sections of our local roads and highways could use better lighting for safety. The demand for better lighting seems to be insatiable. As well demand for more street lighting will increase when millions of drivers in the developing world take to the roadway. These same concepts that apply to lighting can also be used for network gear as well.
EverLast’s renewable-powered LED lighting system is NASA-approved
The Jackson, Michigan-based company is providing an 0ff-grid parking lot at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas with zero-emissions, outdoor LED lighting using energy generated by a wind turbine and photovoltaic panels.
“Expect more smart, sustainable outdoor lighting systems to crop up as property and facilities managers come to realize that “off-grid” no longer has to mean “in the dark.”
Micro Turbine Light Illuminates Highways With Wind
email: Bill.St.Arnaud@gmail.com
twitter: BillStArnaud
blog: http://billstarnaud.blogspot.com/
skype: Pocketpro